SRA Standards and Regulations

Showing 189 results

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SRA Compensation Fund Rules 2021

Rule 11

Conduct of the applicant and contribution to loss

A grant may be refused or reduced to take account of: dishonest, improper or unreasonable conduct by the applicant or anyone acting on their behalf: in the circumstances that gave rise to the application; in relation to the application itself; or failure to pursue the application promptly, co-operatively and in good faith. A grant may be refused or reduced to take account of any act or...
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SRA Financial Services (Conduct of Business) Rules

Rule 8

Retention of records

Each record which is made under these rules shall be kept for at least six years from the date it is made.
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SRA Application, Notice, Review and Appeal Rules



A decision made under the SRA Compensation Fund Rules 2019 or the SRA Compensation Fund Rules 2021 not to make a grant of the whole or part of the amount applied for from the Fund. Any decisions in respect of which there is a right of external appeal as set out in annex 2 or 3, that are not covered above.
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SRA Application, Notice, Review and Appeal Rules


Individual Authorisation

As set out in the SRA Authorisation of Individuals Regulations: A decision made under regulation 3E.2(a) to refuse to recognise all or part of a period of recognised training. A decision made under regulation 4.1 to refuse an application for admission as a solicitor made under Part V of the European Communities (Lawyer's Practice) Regulations 2000. A decision made under regulation 5.1 to...
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SRA Authorisation of Individuals Regulations

Regulations 9.1 - 9.4

Reserved legal activities

Subject to regulations 9.2, 9.3, 9.5 to 9.10 and 10.2(b), if you are a solicitor with a current practising certificate, or an REL, you are entitled to carry on all reserved legal activities except notarial activities. If you are an REL you may only exercise a right of audience before a court, conduct litigation or prepare court documents, in conjunction with a solicitor or barrister who is...
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SRA Compensation Fund Rules 2021

Rule 5

Defaulting practitioners

A defaulting practitioner means: a solicitor or an REL who at the date of the relevant act or omission was: practising in an authorised body; or practising in a non-commercial body; a solicitor or an REL who at the date of the relevant act or omission: was self-employed and practising in their own name, and not through a trading name or service company; did not employ anyone in connection with...
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SRA Education, Training and Assessment Provider Regulations

Regulation 4

Requirements for recognised training

A period of recognised training must: unless regulation 4.2 applies, be of a duration of a total of at least two years full time, or equivalent; ensure that the trainee has applied and developed the skills as set out in the Practice Skills Standards; be appropriately supervised by solicitors and other individuals who have adequate legal knowledge and experience in the practice area they are...
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SRA Application, Notice, Review and Appeal Rules


Education, Training and Assessment providers

As set out in the SRA Education, Training and Assessment Provider Regulations: A decision made under regulation 1.4(b) or 2.3(b) to refuse to grant approved education provider, authorised education provider or authorised training provider status. A decision made under regulation 1.4(a) or 2.3(a) to grant the application for approval or authorisation subject to such conditions and for such...
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SRA Compensation Fund Rules 2021

Rule 17

Recovery and subrogation

Where the SRA makes a grant otherwise than by way of loan or if by way of loan repayments of the loan is waived or otherwise the borrower has failed to repay part or all of the loan, the SRA shall be subrogated to the rights and remedies of the person to whom or on whose behalf the grant is made to the extent of the amount of the grant. Where rule 17.1 applies, the recipient must if required...
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SRA Authorisation of Firms Rules

Rule 2

Authorisation decision

The SRA may grant an application for authorisation in relation to one or more reserved legal activity. The SRA will refuse an application for authorisation if it is not satisfied that, if authorisation is granted: the applicant's managers, interest holders or management and governance arrangements are suitable to operate or control a business providing regulated legal services; the applicant...