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Year Three Evaluation of the SRA Transparency Rules

The various elements of the SRA Transparency Rules were introduced in 2018/19 to support the public and small businesses so they had easier access to the information that would help them to make informed decisions when purchasing legal services

Client and matter risk assessments

This thematic report sets out our findings on how firms assess clients and matters to identify money laundering and terrorist financing risks.

Anti-Money Laundering annual report 2022-23

Money laundering is not a victimless crime. It is a blight on our economy, on our society and on the lives of many often vulnerable individuals. Our annual Anti Money Laundering (AML) report details our work in this area and highlights key information on specific areas of our AML work for the 2022-23 fiscal year.

Addressing inequalities in access to justice: Final report of the SRA's RPF2 project

The Regulators Pioneer Fund (RPF) is an initiative, set up in 2018, by the Better Regulation Executive (BRE), part of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). This report provides a summary of the outcomes of this project.

The professional indemnity insurance market for law firms

We and the Legal Services Board (LSB) commissioned Frontier Economics to carry out research on the PII market using data already held by us both and by surveying nearly 300 firms.

Consumer segmentation research

Not all legal journeys are the same so adopting a one-size fits all approach to improving access to justice is unlikely to work for everyone. Consumer segmentation is the process of organising consumers into groups or segments based on certain qualities that they share. This provides a better understanding of consumers' needs allowing initiatives and services to be tailored to specific segments.

Review of the training records of solicitors practising in magistrates and higher courts

Solicitors undertaking criminal advocacy have particular responsibilities to their clients and to the courts. Poor standards can result in consumer harm, miscarriages of justice and threaten the rule of law

Thematic Review: The use of Non Disclosure Agreements in workplace complaints

Our warning notice recognises the legitimate place NDAs have in agreements to protect commercial interests, reputation, and confidentiality.

Annual assessment of continuing competence 2023

This report outlines findings from our review into how solicitors keep their skills and knowledge up to date and how firms make sure they are competent to provide the legal services they offer.

Risk Outlook: managing regulatory risk during economic uncertainty

Law firms of all sizes are currently managing regulatory risk in a period of economic uncertainty and this report helps identify and manage those areas of risk.