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Understanding the unreserved market

We commissioned research into the unreserved legal market - commonly used services include wills, housing, family and employment law.

The factors influencing differences in outcomes by ethnicity in legal professional assessments: A systematic literature review

This report is a summary of the first phase of our research to better understand the reasons differences in professional assessment outcomes by ethnicity. It also sets out the next steps for the second phase.

SQE Quality Assurance Annual Report 2021-22

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is a single assessment for all aspiring solicitors. We introduced the SQE to give assurance of consistent, high standards at the point of admission.  

SQE year one: Initial perceptions and experiences

In October 2022, we surveyed candidates, training providers and firms to collect initial perceptions of the SQE.

SQE Independent Reviewer Annual Report 2021-22

Read the SQE Independent Reviewer Annual Report 2021-22 by Geoff Coombe, SQE Independent Reviewer

In-house solicitors thematic review

This important, influential, and diverse part of the profession plays a key role in helping organisations to behave legally, fairly and ethically.

Risk Outlook report: cryptocurrencies

Report focusing on distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) such as blockchain-based cryptocurrencies and their implications for legal services providers.

First tier complaints report 2021-2022

Publishing complaints data is part of our commitment to improve information about legal services. We ask firms to report annually to us on the number of complaints received from clients.

Response to LSB statement of policy - ongoing competence

SRA report and action plan in response to the LSB statement of policy that sets out 4 outcomes for legal regulators.

Our equality, diversity and inclusion work 2021/22

An overview of our work to promote equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across the legal sector from November 2021 to October 2022.