Education and training

Evaluating the SQE

It is essential we evaluate the impact of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) and here we outline how we will do this.

Education and training authorisation and monitoring activity September 2021 - August 2022

This SRA annual report details the quality assurance activity in relation to education and training of solicitors. It covers the period 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022.

Education and training - corporate report 2021/22

Solicitors enter the profession through a range of routes but the majority of solicitors now take SQE assessments. This report charts training and education trends during 2021 and 2022.

SQE Quality Assurance Annual Report 2021-22

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is a single assessment for all aspiring solicitors. We introduced the SQE to give assurance of consistent, high standards at the point of admission.  

SQE year one: Initial perceptions and experiences

In October 2022, we surveyed candidates, training providers and firms to collect initial perceptions of the SQE.

SQE Independent Reviewer Annual Report 2021-22

Read the SQE Independent Reviewer Annual Report 2021-22 by Geoff Coombe, SQE Independent Reviewer

Education and training authorisation and monitoring activity September 2020 - August 2021

This SRA annual report details the quality assurance activity in relation to education and training of solicitors. It covers the period 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 .

Review of first sitting of SQE2

The SQE2 written and oral exams were held for the first time in April 2022.

Review of first sitting of SQE1

The first sitting of the first part of a single, nationally recognised solicitor qualifying exam, for candidates wishing to practice in England and Wales was held in November 2021.

An evaluation framework for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination

The SRA has planned a programme of evaluation to understand whether this major reform achieves the stated objectives, and if there are any wider impacts or consequences. The