1 July 2020
The Bridge Group – research experts on diversity and social equality – independent report into the diversity implications of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination.
13 January 2020
This report concerns our quality assurance activity in relation to education and training. Unless otherwise stated, it relates to the period 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018.
10 January 2019
We have a statutory responsibility for the education and training of solicitors, as set out in the Solicitors Act 1974 and the Legal Services Act 2007.
24 May 2018
In 2014, we removed the minimum salary levels for trainee solicitors. The previous levels of prescribed salary were replaced with a requirement for trainees to be paid at least the national minimum or living wage.
1 March 2017
This report, prepared by policy association the Bridge Group, considers how the SRA could monitor the impact of the SQE on candidates with protected characteristics and on those from lower socioeconomic groups through data collation and analysis. It also recommends steps the SRA could take to maximise the positive impact of the SQE on diversity.
1 September 2016
In order to provide points of comparison when developing our proposed routes to qualification, we have benchmarked relevant overseas jurisdictions to establish common international practice.
26 May 2015
A report on authorisation and monitoring activity for the period 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014
11 June 2014
This document reports the findings from research undertaken to explore workforce education and training arrangements in providers of legal services regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
3 September 2012
Research on the regulatory model and the SRA role.